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Bonjour à tous, voici un dialogue que j'ai rédigé. Pourriez-vous y jeter un coup d'oeil pour vérifier qu'il n'y ait pas trop de fautes... merci d'avance :)

Strange is a young Black living in Washington with his family struggling against poverty, racism and violence ambient. He realized his dream, he became a cop. This is how that he met his colleague Peters, a white cop. So they are often on patrol together in their police car at evening.

"Everything seems calm tonight." said calmly Strange.

"The evening has just begun! Street brawls and robberies are unfortunately very common and we see that every night here..." replied Peters, disillusioned .

"It's true, you're right... But I hope it won't be the case this evening!" said Strange.

"Only god knows..." says Peters .

"Otherwise, the work of your house is progressing well ?" asked Strange.

"Oh yes! They are nearing finished , Patty and I will move next week!" said Peters .

"Ah great! And how did you meet Patty ?" questioned Strange.

"Patty is my first love, and the last I hope. I met her in college. Today we have been married for 19 years!" answered happily Peters.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Strange with a big smile.

Peters thanking his college with a pat on the shoulder, when suddenly they heard the sound of broken glass. They looked down the street and saw a street brawl between three young white and black . The noise they heard was caused by a glass bottle launched in the window behind the young black man . The two cops out of the cars.

"Hit the floor! Calm down !" exclaimed Strange.

They spent their handcuffs and took them to the police station immediately.

"You see, said Peters to his colleague, I told you!"

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  • E-Bahut


"Everything seems calm tonight." said Strange calmly.

"The evening has just begun! Street brawls and robberies are unfortunately very common and we see that every night here..." replied Peters, disillusioned .

"It's true, you're right... But I hope it won't be the case this evening!" said Strange.

"Only God knows..." says said /added Peters .

"Otherwise, is the work of your house is progressing well ?" asked Strange.

"Oh yes! They are nearing nearly/almost finished, Patty and I will move next week!" said Peters .

"Ah great! And how did you meet Patty ?" questioned Strange.

"Patty is my first love, and the last I hope. I met her in college. Today we have been married for 19 years!" answered Peters happily.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed Strange with a big smile.

Peters was thanking his college with a pat on the shoulder when they suddenly heard the sound of broken glass. They looked down the street and saw a street brawl going on between three young Whites and one Black. The noise they heard was caused by a glass bottle launched hurled in at the window behind the young black man. The two cops rushed out of the cars.

"Hit the floor Lie down on the ground, calm down/ keep quiet!" exclaimed Strange.

They spent their handcuffs handcuffed them and took them to the police station immediately.

"You see, said Peters to his colleague, I told you!"

Besoin d'explications ? unsure.png

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  • E-Bahut

J'aurais aimé développer un peu plus sur le conflit entre les jeunes hommes Blancs qui agressent le jeune homme Noir. N'ajouter que deux ou trois phrases en plus, mais je ne sais pas comment tourner mes phrases :/

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  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Bonsoir! Me revoilà avec le même texte que j'ai modifié et tenté d'amélioré avec des phrases en plus, pouvez-vous y jeter un coup d'oeil? Merci d'avance!

Strange is a young Black living in Washington with his family struggling against poverty, racism and violence ambient. He made his dream come true, he became a cop. This is how that he met his colleague Peters, a white cop. So they are often on patrol together in their police car in the evening.

"Everything seems calm tonight." Peters said calmly.

"The evening has just begun! Street brawls and robberies are unfortunately very common and we see that every night here..." Strange replied, disillusioned .

"It's true, you're right... But I hope it won't be the case this evening!" Peters said.

"Only God knows... Strange added, seriously Peters you're too idealistic, you must bring yourself back down to reality!"

"I just want peace and an end to racism!" Peters replied, upset.

"I understand but life isn't that simple, unfortunately everybody doesn't think like you. Anyway... is work on your house progressing well ?" Strange asked.

"Oh yes! They are almost finished , Patty and I will move in next week!" Peters said .

"Ah great! And how did you meet Patty ?" Strange questioned.

"Patty is my first love, and the last I hope. I met her in college. Today we have been married for 19 years!" Peters answered happily.

"Congratulations!" Strange exclaimed with a big smile.

"Thanks!" Peters added politely, with a pat on his college's shoulder.

"...Did you hear that noise?" Strange asked curiously.

"It looks like a sound of broken glass!" Peters answered.

"Oh my God! Look over there down! A street brawl going on between three young Whites and one Black!" Strange exclaimed loudly.

"Yes yes! The noise that we heard was caused by the glass bottle hurled at the window behind the young black man! You see it?" Peters added.

"Let's go Peters! Strange exclaimed, rush us out of the car!"

"We must calm these youngs!" Peters replied.

"Lie down on the ground! Keep quiet !" Strange ordered the quarrelsome youngs.

"Don't tell me what I must do ! Leave me!" one of the white young shouted furiously.

"Let's take them all immediately to the police station!" Peters said while he handcuffed him.

"You see! Strange said his colleague, I told you! Nothing is ever safe here..."

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  • E-Bahut

"Everything seems calm tonight." Peters said calmly.

"The evening has just begun! Street brawls and robberies are unfortunately very common and we see that every night here..." Strange replied, disillusioned .

"It's true, you're right... But I hope it won't be the case this evening!" Peters said.

"Only God knows... Strange added, seriously Peters you're too idealistic, you must bring yourself back down to reality!"

"I just want peace and an end to racism!" Peters replied, upset.

"I understand but life isn't that simple, unfortunately everybody doesn't think like you. Anyway... is work on your house progressing well ?" Strange asked.

"Oh yes! They are almost finished , Patty and I will move in next week!" Peters said .

"Ah great! And how did you meet Patty ?" Strange questioned.

"Patty is my first love, and the last I hope. I met her in college. Today we have been married for 19 years!" Peters answered happily.

"Congratulations!" Strange exclaimed with a big smile.

"Thanks!" Peters added politely, with a pat on his colleague's shoulder.

"...Did you hear that noise?" Strange asked curiously.

"It looks like a sound of sounded like broken glass!" Peters answered.

"Oh my God! Look over there down! A street brawl going on between three young Whites and one Black!" Strange exclaimed loudly.

"Yes yes! The noise that we heard was caused by the glass bottle hurled at the window behind the young black man! You see it?" Peters added.

"Let's go Peters! Strange exclaimed, let us rush out of the car!"

"We must calm these youngs youngsters / youth / young men!" Peters replied.<Attention : young n'a que la fonction adjectif.

"Lie down on the ground! Keep quiet !" Strange ordered the quarrelsome youngs. excl.png

"Don't tell me what I must do ! Leave me!" one of the white young men shouted furiously.

"Let's take them all immediately to the police station!" Peters said while he handcuffed him.

"You see! Strange said his colleague, I told you! Nothing is ever safe here..."

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