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To a large extent, i believe that people are responsible of earth destiny. Our world is degrading ( de jour en jour ). look at ( le trou de la couche d'ozone ) . it's a sign the earth giving to us, to say people that they have to preserve environment. in addition, population ( est en constante augmentation ). people have to protect too the air they breathe. but, unfortunately, it's difficult ( de faire comprendre au gens ) that they have to be carefull alldays, and we can notice lots of bad habits : they trhow everything ( et n'importe quoi) on the ground, they smoke and let their cigarettes butts ( n'importe ou ). moreover there are too polluting agent that comes from cars, smoke from factories etc...

for these ( ou that?) reasons, drastic solutions have to be taken. for instance, shoks adverts ( des pubs chocs??) can show photos will permitts to imagine what our world will become, or amends each time that someone throw something on road.

moreover even if it isn't too late, we are attendinf at the degradation erath : ( le trou de la couche d'ozone), naturals disasters like swampings scorchings heats or hurricanes.

soon, will we breathe polluted air?

how eliminate rubbish without pollut environment? everyone have to think of his act of alldays and change his bad habits without it's too late and irreversible..

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  • E-Bahut

Je te propose quelques changements au-dessous de tes phrases. ;)

To a large extent, i believe that people

..I think that people

are responsible of earth destiny.

...of the Earth future.

Our world is degrading ( de jour en jour ). deteriorating from day to day.

look at ( le trou de la couche d'ozone ) .

Consider the ozone gap.

it's a sign the earth giving to us, is giving...

to say people that they have to preserve environment.

to tell people that...

in addition, population ( est en constante augmentation ).

In addition, population is constantly increasing.

people have to protect too the air they breathe.

("too" à la fin)

but, unfortunately, it's difficult ( de faire comprendre au gens )

...difficult to make people understand (trad. de faire + INFINITIF ACTIF => MAKE + complément + BV)

that they have to be carefull alldays,

...careful everyday, (un seul L)

and we can notice lots of bad habits :

they trhow everything ( et n'importe quoi) on the ground,

...throw anything...

they smoke and let their cigarettes butts ( n'importe ou ).

...butts anywhere,

moreover there are too polluting agent that comes from cars,

polluting agentS that come OUT from...

smoke from factories etc...

for these ( ou that?) reasons, drastic solutions have to be taken.

for these reasons (c'est un pluriel)

for instance, shoks adverts ( des pubs chocs??) can show

...striking adverts...

photos will permitts to imagine what our world will become,

photos which will enable us to imagine...

or amends each time that someone throw something on road.

or fines every time someone throwS something...

moreover even if it isn't too late, we are attendinf at the

...are witnessing the

degradation erath : ( le trou de la couche d'ozone),

deterioration of Earth,

naturals disasters like swampings scorchings heats or hurricanes.

like floods, scorching heats...

soon, will we breathe polluted air?

(C'est déjà le cas : We are already breathing polluted air

how eliminate rubbish without pollut environment?

How shall we eliminate rubbish without pollutING environment ?

everyone have to think of his act of alldays

everyone HAS to think of his actS every day/all day long

and change his bad habits without it's too late and irreversible..

...habits before it's...

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Ainsi que quelques petits rajouts :

"bonjour" et "s'il vous plait" au début du texte.

"Merci" à la fin

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To a large extent, i believe that people are responsible of earth destiny. Our world is degrading ( day after day ). look at ( gap in the ozone layer) . it's a sign the earth giving to us, to say people that they have to preserve environment. in addition, population ( goes on increasing ). people have to protect too the air they breathe. but, unfortunately, it's difficult ( to make people undrestand) that they have to be carefull alldays, and we can notice lots of bad habits : they tHROw everything ( they can) on the ground, they smoke and let their cigarettes butts ( anywhere ). moreover there are too polluting agent that comes from cars, smoke from factories etc...

THAT's WHY , drastic solutions have to be taken. for instance, shocks adverts ( des pubs chocs??) can show photos will permitts to imagine what our world will become, or amends each time that someone throw something on road.

moreover even if it isn't too late, we are attending at the degradation of the earth : ( id), natural disasters like swampings scorchings heats or hurricanes.

soon, will we breathe polluted air?

how eliminate rubbish without pollutING environment? everyone have to think of his EVERYDAY acts (?) and change his bad habitsBEFORE it's too late and irreversible..

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bah des cours archi nuls parce que c'est toujours la meme chose qu'on fait, un texte qu'on doit présenter et raconter le texte, c'est nul puis dans ma promo, la moitié des personnes sont incapables de lire un texte en anglais, c'est méchant ce ke je vais dire mais c'est pathétique !! ils vont lire with comme white !!! non mais quelques fois je me demande si ils ont fais de l'anglais au collège et lycée !!! je sais que j'ai certaines facilités mais le niveau c'est limite attardées...puis on a une prof débile, qui rale tout le temps, ça m'étonne pas que personne n'ai envie de parler anglais à sons cours, on a un oral en fin d'année pour le bts, c'est pas gagné pour certaine....enfin.........désolé si je suis un peu méchante mais j'ai pas l'impression d'apprendre beaucoup !!!puis faut voir la réalité, peu d'élèves aiment les cours d'anglais et donc l'anglais....

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