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Bonjour ! Pour Lundi je devais écire un texte en anglais. Je l'ai fait mais je voudrais savoir si c'est juste et si vous pouviez me corriger ! Merci d'avance.

Voici le texte:

Ta lettre est très émouvante. Tu parle de ton amoureux Peter et de ses parents. Tu dis que ses parents ne t'aiment pas. Je pense que tu devrais aller voir ses parents, tu devrais parler avec eux et montrer que tu aimes vraiment Peter et que tu feras tout pour rester avec lui qu'ils soient d'accord ou non. Maintenant je te laisse , bonne chance et à bientôt.

Voci la traduction:

Dear Anna,

your letter really touched/moved me. You wrote about your lover Peter and his parents. You said that they don't like you; I think you should go and speak to them, and explain them that you're really in love with Peter, and that you will do anything to stay with him, either they agree or not. I'm leaving you now, good luck and see you soon.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! Au revoir ! :D

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Moi, j'aurai plutot mis(j'ai souligné se que j'ai changé):

Dear Anna,

your letter really touched/moved me. You wrote about your lover Peter and his parents. You said that they don't like you; I think you should go and speak to them, and (explain them)show that you really love Peter, and that you will do anything to stay with him, either they agree or not. I'm leaving you now, good luck and see you soon.

Je pense que le reste est bon.

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I am late but still I hope that this will help you!!!!!!! Pose-moi des questions si tu as besoin d'aides..

Dear Anna,

your letter really touched me. You wrote about your lover Peter and his parents. You said that his parents don't like you. I think you should meet his parents, talk with them, and show them that you really love Peter, and that you will do anything to stay with him, whether they agree or not. I'm leaving you for now, good luck and see you soon.

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