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A lot of fashionable clothes are produced thank to child labour.Would you be ready to boycott such products?Explain why or why not?

maintenan voila mon paragraphe pouvez- vous le corriger et me donner d'autres idées c urgent:

In the world a lot of fashionable clothes are produced thank to child labour but when we buy this clothes we don't know who have produced it.

Indeed, i would be ready to boycott such products because i don't think it is a good idea to have children working so young.

Moreover, this children are not allowed to go to school because their parents want they earn money in order to have more money for live.

This children can't expect to get a good job when they are older because they never went to shool so they are not educated. Moreover they lead miserable lives without any games, friends.Indeed they can't afford any games because they haven't enough money and they can't play with young people because they work all the day.

Working conditions are so bad that they die young, indeed children work a lot of hours in factories.The boss takes advantage of this children because he knows they wiil do what he wants.Moreover this children are exploited and they don't earn enough money for eat every day.

This exploitation reminds the coal mines as it was the case in XIXth century in england. :P

Iam ready to boycott this product because i am conscious of their live's conditions and i would like to help them.So if we don't buy this products perhaps later all the children will be free and happy.

But it is true, sometimes it will be a sacrifice because there willl be clothes which will be really beautiful but i prefer save a child than to be happy for a moment.

We can do efforts because in the world bosses put children through agony while us we live peasefuly.

Indeed it is an injustice.

:lol: je c c long mé svp corrigé moi les fautes.

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voici le texte corrigé :)

In the world a lot of fashionable clothes are produced thanks to child labor but when we buy these clothes we don't exactly know who have produced them.

Indeed, I would be ready to boycott such products because I don't think it is a good idea to let children work so young.

Moreover, these children are not allowed to go to school because their parents want them earn money in order to get more money for live.

These children can't expect to get a good job when they will be older because they never went to school and are not educated. Moreover they have miserable lives without any games or friends. Indeed they can't afford any games because they haven't enough money and can't play with young people because they work all the day.

Working conditions are so bad that they die young. The boss takes advantages of these children because he knows they will do what he wants. Moreover these children are exploited and they don't earn enough money for eat every day.

This exploitation reminds the coalmines, as it was the case in ninetieth century in England.

I am ready to boycott these products because I am conscious of their life’s conditions and I would like to help them. So if we don't buy these products perhaps all the children will be free and happy later.

But it is true, sometimes it will be a sacrifice because there will be clothes that will be really beautiful but I prefer saving a child than being happy just for a moment.

We can do efforts because bosses put children through agony while us we live peacefully.

It is really an injustice.

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