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Jean B

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Messages posté(e)s par Jean B

  1. Bonsoir,

    il y a 1 minute, Lyysa a dit :


    J'ai dû répondre à plusieurs questions sur une vidéo. Pouvez-vous corriger mon devoir s'il y a des fautes parce que j'ai du mal à en voir. Merci

    1) Doctor Jeffrey Steinberg is a doctor and director of a fertility clinic in California who works on genetics and the creation of children from embryos selected in a laboratory. It allows couples to choose an embryo "in order to eliminate those who carry an identifiable genetic disease", then it "performs the sorting between male and female embryos. Even if it cannot guarantee a perfect result, it can nevertheless significantly increase the chances of success. This procedure is called Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, it allows to control the embryos in the laboratory to have a baby as they want by screening for genetic and fatal diseases.

    2) For Dr. Steinberg, it is important to accept progress. This is an incredible opportunity for couples who wish to have children because they can choose, thanks to the "PGD". He puts forward certain arguments:
    - This is available to everyone
    - The dream of choosing the sex of the child
    - Eliminate the risk of not being sick because the selection procedure eliminates genetic diseases in children
    - soon choose the genetic traits of the baby
    - Offers its services to homosexual couples: lesbians want a girl and gays mainly want a boy
    - "all this is normal: since the dawn of time, parents have dreamed of having vigorous, beautiful, intelligent children"

    3) No, Dr. Caplan is against PGD because for him couples who want to benefit from this science do not necessarily want to avoid illnesses but rather because they want to satisfy their taste for a particular child or a preference for a particular child. They don't do this for the right reasons.

    4) - It is accessible only to the rich, an advantage for them but it is something that the poor can never afford
    - he does not think that we will be able to 100% succeed a hundred per cent in having a baby with the eye colors, exact hair colors, ... that we would like.
    - He says to himself why not offer it directly instead of the intervention to charge
    - how to shall we know which is the best physical trait because for him this kind of thing is subjective
    - the clinic looks like a shop where you can buy anything and everything like "athletic skills, short arms, etc."
    - leads to false expectations of children causing adults to get angry because they invested money and did not get what they wanted.

    5) Doctor Caplan thinks this because for him the "PGD" has a negative aspect. Choosing the physical characteristics of a baby is subjective but also because he knows that it is above all an invention from which only the rich can benefit. It is an advantage for them. Couples should not offer traits without some advice so that they can reflect. This technique is a story of money business but also because this technique is not safe, there can be errors like the case of Nadya Suleman. It can also lead to false expectations.

    6) I agree with Dr. Caplan because having a baby is something that comes by chance and the surprise of finding out the sex of the baby and how the baby is going to be physically at delivery. Being able to choose several physical characteristics of my baby is something that is inconceivable for me since it is the joy of creating a child without knowing how it will be.

    7) This report shows us the advantage of scientific progress through the invention of "PGD" allowing medical benefits to save lives by choosing embryos without risk of health problems. However the creative babies are disputed. This procedure is a huge development in the field of science and genetics. It is an innovative scientific, technological and medical progress. Nevertheless the "PGD" worries the doctor Caplan a lot because we don't know the possible consequences. It is a positive as well as a negative progress.

    Great job! :)

  2. Bonjour,

    Simples remarques :

    1. puisque tu as des idées de plan, pourquoi donc ne les soumets-tu pas ? Je doute que quiconque ici te précède.

    2. ce n'est pas en employant une police de caractères énormes que tu obtiendras forcément une réponse.


  3. il y a 4 minutes, maël - missme a dit :

    Je me pose des questions : mon travail ne valait pas 20 ? Bonne soirée.

    Si c'est à moi que s'adresse ta question, d'une part je n'ai pas qualité pour y répondre et d'autre part je n'ai aucune raison de mettre en doute la note que ton professeur t'a attribuée.

    Donc passe une bonne soirée et dors tranquille. :)

  4. Il y a 15 heures, maël - missme a dit :

    Oui car à chaque fin de partie nous devons faire des conclusions partielles. La conclusion finale répond à la problématique. 

    Ah ben tu m'en diras tant ! :rolleyes:

    Il aura fallu que j'arrive au seuil de ma 80ème année pour apprendre qu'une conclusion pouvait ne pas être finale ! :(

    S'ils lisent ça, je suis sûr que les mânes de Littré et Larousse doivent s'agiter inconfortablement...

  5. Bonjour,

    Le 01/12/2019 à 11:30, Lyysa a dit :

    Bonjour, je fais un devoir sur le film My sister's keeper en répondant à des questions, pouvez-vous me corriger mon devoir s'il vous plaît ? Merci d'avance

    My sister's keeper

    1. For Anna, babies are the fruit of chance, she explains that in heaven there are souls that twirl until the moment two people on earth make love generating baby at random. However there are babies who are conceived one evening when the woman has forgotten her pill. The baby is not wanted then but it is an accident. While those who cannot have planned their baby.<Cette phrase n'est pas claire du tout, il y manque un ou plusieurs éléments. Qu'as-tu voulu dire exactement ?

    2. According to her, it is not a coincidence since she was created to save her sister, Kate. So she thinks that if her sister would not have had not been sick she would still be in the sky waiting to integrate a body but chance or not she is there.<Faute de concordance des temps, c'est le past perfect qu'il fallait employer.

    3. She was conceived from a very specific genetic combination in order to save her sister who has leukemia by giving her parts of it.

    4. Since her sister is sick, everything revolves around her sister's illness. His (*) Her mother and aunt have left their jobs to take care of Kate and all their conversations only turn around her illness. An example of change: all food is organic and sterilized.(*) Rappel utile => L'adjectif possessif doit être accordé en genre avec le possesseur. Serais-tu étourdie ? :(

    5. Their relationship is peculiar but filled with an indescribable love. However since everything revolves around Kate, the parents forsake the other children who feel sidelined since they did not even notice the problems of their son sister. <Il s'agit bien de  Kate, pas vrai ? Sara, the mother, does everything to save her daughter until she even harms Anna. Their whole life is focused only on Kate damaging relationships between others. Nevertheless, through the film we can see that they do what they can for each other.

    6. She wants to sue her parents because if her sister would not have <bis> had not been sick she would not be there. If she gets undergoes an operation to give her sister one of her kidneys to her sister, she will not be able to do certain things anymore, she will not have fun anymore as she would like. She knows that she will always have to be careful and will not be able to live long. For her, she is as important as her sister. Moreover if the transplantation does not work, it will risk bring about/cause big health problems.

    7. They do not understand his <Encore ?! Je ne dispose pas du texte support, donc c'est à toi de voir dorénavant choice and get angry. Upset by her decision, some try to understand it while others do not want to understand and do everything to change her decision.

    8. Yes, because she has the right to do what she wants. She too has the right to choose how to lead her life to the detriment of her sister. By saying what she did, she expresses what she has been feeling for a long time.

    9. They are very angry at her because it's like she wants as if she wanted to kill her sister. His <?! mother is upset, she does not understand her choice and will do everything so that Anna is operating operated on to save her sister. While her father, at first, does not understand how they got there, when she decided to take/make that decision but after a while he is on his <?! side and tries to understand it <?! by not forcing it. <?! À qui ou quoi renvoie ce pronom neutre répété ? Yes and no because creating a child just to save his < Quel est l'adjectif possessif neutre de la 3ème personne singulier ? Certainement pas "his" other child is a crime, it's very selfish on the part of parents, even if it is to save their daughter, they have no right to choose the utility use that their future baby <Le groupe sujet devant le verbe. Autrement dit : pas d'inversion sujet-verbe, tu n'écris pas en français> will have their future child and conceive that it for that.

    10. For me yes and no because she certainly condemns her sister to death but she is right because she does not have to be forced to have surgery to save her sister while in cons part its <Ma langue au chat life is going to be limited . She cannot do anything she wants later and she will have to be careful. So it's hard to take part in this story but I totally understand Anna and knowing that I was born just to heal my sister is horrible.

    11. She hires a lawyer because she claims the right to be responsible for her body by medically emancipating herself. She wants to sue her parents for violating the rights of her body so that there is only she who has her body not to have surgery to save her sister.

    12. She decides to make this choice because, as we learn from the end of the story, Kate asked her because she is tired of suffering, she does not want to be operated on again for to die in peace and join his <Et encore !> her boyfriend, Taylor, who died before her because he also had an illness. Sara sues her parents to fulfill her sister's wish: to die.

    13. He understands Sara and decides to help him by winning the case against the girl's parents so that she can dispose of her body alone. He decides to help him because he is epileptic and knows what it feels like not to be master of his body.

    14. Since she was born Sara has lived since her birth a life that revolves around her sister, a focus of her parents only on Kate but also since she was conceived to cure her sister, she has always had medical appointments, operations, complications after giving bone marrow. And finally a restricted life not to try not to be able to save his sister.

    15. In making this decision, her mother can deny her and no longer want to see her, she knows that Kate's health will deteriorate and then condemns her sister to death.

    16. She is right to do this simply because it is not up to her parents to decide what to do with her body. The only harm she has is that she condemns her sister against the envy wish of her parents.

    17. She has the right to do this because even though she is not of age she does not have to be forced to have surgery, risk complications and make her life more complicated to save her sister.

    18. I would understand her because she has the right to choose how she uses her body. I do not have to force her because I want to save my other girl at the expense of the other. It would hurt me because I know it will be harder to save my daughter but in no way would I force one of my daughters to heal my other daughter.


    Tu as un réel souci avec l'emploi des proms possessifs. Revois le dans ta grammaire.

    C'est d'autant plus regrettable que, même sans disposer du support, je trouve que tes réponses sont bien argumentées.

    Bonne continuation.


  6. Bonjour,

    Il y a 7 heures, maël/missme a dit :


    Pouvez-vous me corriger mon texte ? Merci

    In 2010, I decided to settle in a sustainable  eco-village near Nancy with my friends. It was a small community with few residents who wanted to respect nature and live in a greater awareness/conciousness/mindfulness more mindfully. <Cet adverbe n'existant pas, du moins à ma connaissance, à sa place je te propose 3 noms.

    My goal has been <Pourquoi ce present perfect ? Tu es toujours dans ton récit > preterit> was to change my way of life. So, I lived in a house made off wood.  I only had a bed, a table and a stove. I didn't have electricity. I produced my own food: i raised hens, rabbits  and grow grew vegetables and fruits. I drank water source (*) spring water. The place was cut off the rest of the world and there was no noise.

    (*) Dans un nom composé de nom + nom, celui des 2 qui a valeur de déterminant se place naturellement devant l'autre comme si c'était un adjectif épithète, pardi ! ;) C'est à mémoriser car cette construction est très fréquente.

    It was an exciting experience.To my mind, it's easy to live in an eco-village even if you don't have electricity. There are a lot of benefits: you are not stressed and nor worried. <"", tu t'en souviens ? You can relax  too. Living in an eco-village means a better life quality.<Voir note (*) ci-dessus I think it is a good life lesson. 


  7. Bonsoir,

    Stafford Whiteaker has decided to live as an hermit. He is going to stay in a cabin near in Shropshire. It's a special place because his house is small, made of wood and cut off from the rest of the world. He has decided to let the journalist visit him to show that he isn't neither a bad and nor (*) a mad man.

    (*) La double négation " neither...nor " se rend en français par " (ne devant un verbe) " => ...qu'il n'est ni méchant/mauvais ni fou.

  8. Good evening,

    - How do you explain racism increased since the 2016 Brexit referendum ?

    Initially Brexit is was meant to be a necessary response to domestic policy issues. It was becoming a matter of urgency to provide an effective solution to the constantly emerging problems that have been threatening the national safety for too long now. I assume that people may have somewhat misunderstood my intention and then express their anger in such a contentious way. Obviously, it’s essential to emphasize the seriousness of the situation. Xenophobia is a scourge affecting every single one of our societies since the dawn of time. We cannot get away from it. Anywhere you look, it’s there. And it’s always been.

    - Everyone knows about the Windrush Scandal. Aren't you afraid that withdrawing will lead to similar troubles ?

    Well, to be truly honest with you, I don’t think your question is worth considering. It would appear that the situation has led many detractors to resort to fallacious arguments in order to get what they want, namely disturbing the proper application of my policy. Once again, this referendum is meant to be a genuine and crucial remedy to the economic and political distress the UK has been through for several years. It’s quite simple. If you are aware of the problems we face, don’t prevent their resolution. Racism is a pretext.

    Great job!

  9. il y a une heure, K€ntyn a dit :

    Merci JRB de m'avoir répondu vous m'avez étez <(*)> été d'une grande aide !!! :D

    (*) avez été = passé composé du verbe être conjugué avec le présent de l'auxiliaire avoir suivi du participe passé du verbe être.

    étez est une forme qui n'existe pas !

    Si tu n'es pas distrait et sans vouloir t'offenser, tu as intérêt à revoir tes connaissances de la conjugaison du français.

  10. Bonsoir,


    a) Puisqu'ils sont 3 c'est un pluriel, or tu as mis le verbe au singulier. Serais-tu distrait ?

    b) C'est la question piège car "character" signifie personnage or le chien n'en est pas un.

    II/ <OK


    III/ his (L3) <OK - it (L3) > the creature < à ce stade de la lecture on ignore encore qu'il s'agit d'un chien de meute

    we (L7) <OK

    I (L9) <OK - which (L15) > the terrible shape <idem remarque L3

    its (L17) >a gigantic black hound <idem remarque L3 - it (L25) the creature <idem remarque L 3 - his (L27)  <OK

    IV/ Il est inutile de faire une phrase fautive, on te demande simplement de relever 3 mots qui désignent le chien.

    Ceux que tu as cités sont bons : the creature, the black shape, the gigantic beast

    V/ <OK

    VI/  C'est facile.

    Dans le texte (entre les lignes 10 à 21), tu dois relever une phrase pour illustrer chacune des 3 affirmations qui te sont proposées en a), b), et c). Je te donne la première, à toi les 2 autres.

    a) It was the first time that someone saw a creature like this one. => It was a hound - a gigantic black hound, but such a hound as human eyes had never seen.

    b) The hound could beltch out fire.=>..................................................................

    c) It could run very fast. =>.................................................................................

    Au plaisir de te lire.



  11. Bonjour,

    Tu commences bien mal ton arrivée sur le forum. :angry:

    D'abord, ouvre le dialogue au minimum  avec un "Bonjour", c'est la moindre des politesses.

    Ensuite, évite de mentionner "urgent" (je l'ai supprimé) et autant que possible le mode impératif même suivi de S.V.P.

    Enfin, évite l'écriture en majuscules, tu ne t'adresses pas forcément à des handicapés visuels.

    Le 23/11/2019 à 20:44, jeanne_rchdd a dit :

    AIDEZ MOI A CORRIGER SVP Aidez-moi à corriger S.V.P.


     Hey !

    I’m Jeanne, i’m a girl and i’m 15 years old. <S'écrit toujours et seulement avec la majuscule, pas seulement 1 fois  sur 3 I was born the of on 15 july 2004.<Tous les noms des mois prennent aussi une majuscule I leave<Tu as un souci de vocabulaire !> live in Charnay-lès-mâcon, a small town near Mâcon . I’m leaving <Désormais je ne corrige plus cette même faute> living in a tall big house with a swimming pool ( you can use it when you come at home! :D ) I have a brother and a sister who don’t leave  at my home cause they are studying in another <En 1 seul mot city. So i leave with my parents ( my mom is Sandrine and my dad is Laurent ), my dog and my 2 cats! I have a horse to so i go to the riding center everyday to ride and take care of it. Hope you like animals! I ride horse 've been going horse-riding for 12 years and i practice do jumping competition on Sundays but i enjoy/like being with my friends too. Nouvelle phrase> i like do going shopping, watching Netflix, listening to music ( rap, pop and French’s musics ). I like sport too! My school is the Lamartine high school in Mâcon. I’m in 2nd6 grade attending year 11 course and my class classmates are so very cool and fun! My favorite subjects at school is <Celle-là, il fallait la faire ! :rolleyes:>are economics and English. <Là, j'ai du mal à te croire ! :(

    In the future i’ll I'd <contraction de "I would", conditionnel like to be a wedding planer organizer, a journalist or be a rider professional rider. <L'adjectif épithète toujours avant le nom Mâcon is my city, there is are <"a lot of" implique un pluriel a lot of things to do! There is <Tu le fais exprès ?> 40 000 people who are living on live there. I like to leave <!!!:angry: in this city cause it’s calm but not too far of from the shops and the others <other adjectif est invariable. Ne prend la marque du pluriel que lorsqu'il a la fonction pronom activities … At this period of the year, we are preparing Christmas ( « Noël » in French), it’s an important period for french peoples. <Ne prend la marque du pluriel qu'au sens de peuples/nations We will also celebrate the New Year to in a few month weeks, i will do give a tall big party with my friends! What do you do for the next New Year in your country? And for Christmas? Do you ask for some presents? I’m impatient look forward to have getting another letter of from you cause i enjoyed the first one. I let leave you with some pictures of me, my friends and my family!

    Have a nice day!

    Note qu'en anglais les points d'exclamation et d'interrogation se collent sans espace derrière le dernier mot de la phrase. J'ai rectifié partout.

    Tu as intérêt à combler tes lacunes tant en grammaire qu'en vocabulaire car tu commets des fautes dont certaines sont carrément monstrueuses.

    Sans vouloir te décourager d'en tenir une, ce n'est pas la correspondance qui t'y aidera.

    Sans plus tarder, inscris-toi sur et travailles-y assidûment tout au long de l'année en exploitant les multiples ressources du site jusqu'en Terminale y compris. Ce site est une véritable mine qui ne demande qu'à être exploitée, profites-en car tout y est entièrement gratuit.

    Bon courage et bons progrès.


  12. Bonjour,


    Hello, my name is R... C... and I am 19 years old.

    I have a Bachelor's degree a school leaving certificate (baccalauréat) in Economics and Social Sciences, specializing in Social and Political Sciences, AB. <En majuscules si c'est la mention Currently, I am training at the University Institute of Technology polytechnic in order to get a University Degree in Technology in Business and Administration Management, option :  Management of Organizations.

    >> bachelor's degree = licence

    >> polytechnic = Institut Universitaire de Technologie

    Professional experiences.

    In September 2017, I took part in/participated in a competition to create a fictitious company, of which I still serve act as "President". This allowed me to learn how to lead, inform, delegate and above all to organize myself.

    Then in January 2019, I was an intern a boarder for a month at The Agricultural Credit Crédit Agricole bank in Luynes. I have had the opportunity to carry out independent missions, to take over the counter and the operations attached to it and to control loan files.

    >> intern, c'est uniquement quand on fait médecine

    Currently, I am have been (*) a sales partner at Carrefour SPDC since June 2019. I manage the return goods of the culture sector. I also help clients navigate the shelves to find books, video games, music and movies.

    >> (*) Il y a prolongement dans le présent de l'action commencée en juin => present perfect


    I master office softwares such as: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Publisher. In addition, I use Photoshop professional version and Sky business management.

    Language levels: My English and Spanish are intermediate.


    I have been cycling, canoeing and I have been passionate about had a passion for aquariums for 4 years.


    Dynamism, punctuality and rigour are qualities that I have developed throughout my schooling.

    >> Emploi de 3 noms puisque ce sont des qualités

    Key achievement

    I set up a lighthouse renovation service within my father's professional activity. This service increased sales by 5%. 

    Tu penses encore trop en français ! :(

    Bonne chance pour ta vidéo.

  13. Il y a 13 heures, ErwanGrim a dit :


    Mais oui c’est vrai j’attendais des réponses pour les comparer avec les miennes.


    Dans ce cas, il fallait d'abord poster tes réponses que j'aurais éventuellement corrigées.

    C'est ainsi que ça fonctionne ici, tu le sauras désormais.

  14.  Bonsoir et bienvenue sur e-bahut.

    Sans vouloir te défriser, j'ai le désagréable sentiment que non seulement tu as attendu le dernier moment pour te manifester mais qu'encore tu attends des réponses plutôt que de l'aide .

    Tes réponses à la question 1 étant illisibles pour moi -je ne vais pas prendre le risque de me dévisser les vertèbres cervicales-, je te les donne quand même exceptionnellement.

    a. Compléter l'arbre généalogique des frères Estrada.

    A Pedro est marié à B Rosa, ils n'ont pas d'enfants.

    C Lucio (son frère) est marié à D Evelia 

    Ils ont un fils E Pedro qui est marié à  F une américaine avec qui il a eu des enfants, sans précision de nombre ni de sexe.

    b. Pedro, Lucio, Pedro-fils et sa femme américaine vivent aux USA.

    Les épouses Rosa et Evelia vivent au Mexique.

    c. Rosa a passé 7 mois dans une prison américaine et l'épouse-soldate américaine de Pedro-fils a séjourné en Irak.

    Pour répondre aux questions 3, 4, 5, 6, relis le texte autant de fois que nécessaire, surligne les mots porteurs de sens (verbes) et respecte les consignes.

    Au plaisir de te lire.

  15. Bonjour,

    Il y a 1 heure, maël/missme a dit :


    Je dois mettre le verbe au prétérit ou au present perfect

    Je sais que le prétérit s'utilise pour une action passée, datée et terminée.

    Je sais que le present perfect   s'utilise pour une action passée qui a des conséquences dans le présent.


    I have bought this record at HMV shop. OK

    Look! I have bought a nex tie. OK

    She taught in this school ten years ago. OK

    She have < aïe, aïe, aïe ! :angry: taught in this school for ten years, she likes it very much. <Aurais-tu déjà oublié la sacro-sainte règle du -s terminal à la 3ème personne singulier du présent simple ? Elle ne souffre qu'une seule exception : les modaux.

    They have a new dog, they have had it for a week. <have se sert d'auxiliaire pour construire son propre present perfect et comme for implique qu'ils ont le chien depuis une semaine, il y a donc conséquence sur le présent => present perfect.

    Ireland has been a republic since 1922. OK

    The police has not yet arrested the murderer. OK ;)

    The police arrested the murderer last night. OK


    Thank you



  16. Bonjour,

    Il y a 3 heures, Lyysa a dit :

    Bonjour, je dois décrire une image en anglais pour lundi, est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider en me corrigeant s'il vous plaît parce que je ne sais si j'ai des erreurs. Merci


    1) This document is a cartoon drawn by a person who can be believed to be anonymous because there is no registered name. It is also not officially titled but we can give it the name that there is written on it "Clones r us" which is the name of the factory. We can thus deduce that this drawing represents a factory of clones and its dysfunctions.
    How does society want us to be in order not to be rejected?

    2) On this drawing we can see <En règle générale, mieux vaut ne pas séparer le C.O.D. de son verbe, d'où le remaniement> a small white, man blond, very skinny man <Le nom toujours derrière les adjectifs wearing pink briefs which <L'antécédent est "man", sois donc attentive > who is placed in the middle of the image, between four muscular clones on a conveyor belt in a factory. We can see that he is totally different from others, he does not look like them at all. That's why we can think that the clip takes it because it is not as it should be, that it is out of the ordinary and it is what does not like, <Je ne comprends pas ce que tu as voulu dire là apparently, with the 'factory. It represents a manufacturing defect. This man will then be thrown into a dumpster which is in the foreground where there are written "Rejects" is written containing other clones which, too, represent also have a defect and which does <Le sujet "clones" est pluriel ! not look like clones those that the factory wants to manufacture/produce. So we can say that the plant chosen, sorting out between normal people and those who are out of the ordinary who does not fit in the frame.<Le relatif est parasite là, donc inutile.

    3) The representation of the cartoonist's <Que vient faire la marque du cas possessif là ? is clear, he decided to make a humorous drawing on today's society to show the vision that this society presents to us. It teaches us how to behave, that we must all be equal, not to go out of the normality by distinguishing ourselves by a physical aspect, but also by a trait of character. She wants us to return to the mores. The designer then criticizes through humor, showing us on a large scale the selection of the species, how society manipulates us by putting pressure on us because by being oneself  <Faute d'accord avec "us"> ourselves we risk being rejected by everyone and so feel too different from others. This could then make us realize that we should start by looking like others so as not to suffer from the rejection of society. She wants people to be perfect. Nowadays, this is probably possible thanks to DNA samples and thus by manipulating genetics by modifying our physical traits. By analyzing the title "Clones r us" we can believe that it is actually a word game that refers to the toy store "Toys r us".

    4) In my mind, this cartoon, even if it was drawn on humor, totally represents what society wants: a world where everyone must return to normality if they do not want to be rejected by others. It happens in fact, to manipulate and dissuade anyone who wants to stand out or even be oneself. However, looking at the dumpster, we notice that there is not one who is different but at least a dozen people, which is very representative of people who have tried to be themselves. Society punishes them by throwing them out to make others understand that if they try to be original, to get out of the normality no one will want them then. For me Personally/In my opinion, this document demonstrates the mores of the society and how wants we are equal to all without distinction.<Du diable si ça signifie quelque chose ! :rolleyes: Et pourtant Dieu sait si j'y mets de la bonne volonté.
    This image can then lead us to think that it is part of the notion "Idea of progress" and therefore to talk about this theme.

    SIMPLIFIE ton expression, tu y gagneras en clarté à coup sûr. Tes phrases à rallonge, dans le style de celles que pondait Marcel Proust, sont souvent limite incompréhensibles pour ne pas dire indigestes, en tous cas pas très en phase avec l'anglais.

    C'est d'autant plus regrettable que ton analyse est fouillée.

    Revois les règles d'emploi/omission du déterminant "the", ce ne sera pas superflu.

    Bonne continuation.


  17. Bonjour,

    Le 16/11/2019 à 10:26, Bourbon a dit :


    Mon professeur d'anglais m'a demandé de rédiger un texte retraçant l'histoire de la découverte de la radioactivité. Pourriez-vous, je vous prie, m'aider à améliorer celui-ci en y apportant des corrections ?

    Je tiens d'avance à m'excuser si vous rencontrez des fautes qui peuvent vous paraître aberrantes (celles-ci ne sont pas volontaires). <C'est un quasi-pléonasme puisque, à ma connaissance, les fautes sont généralement involontaires. ;)

    Texte :  

    Wilhelm Roentgen discovered x-rays in 1895 but it was Becquerel who discovered the radioactivity. <Jamais de déterminant devant un nom employé dans la généralité He worked on the properties of x-rays. He exposed potassium to sunlight and placed it on photographic plates wrapped in black. He believed first uranium absorbed the sun's energy and emitted it as x-rays. Wanting to do the experience again, he realized that uranium emitted radiation even if it is overcast. He concluded uranium emitted naturally light beams: he found out the radioactivity.

    In December 1896, Marie Curie began her work on the study of the radiation produced by uranium, discovered by Henri Becquerel. Using techniques developed by her husband, she analysed the radiation of a uranium-rich ore, pitchblende. They extracted uranium from this ore and realized that what was left of the ore was more radioactive than the uranium itself. On July 18, 1898, Marie Curie announced the discovery of polonium, named after its her native country of origin. On December 26, with Gustave Bémont, she announced the discovery of radium; several tons of pitchblende had to be treated to obtain less than one gram of this element.

    Je vous remercie d'avance pour le temps que vous m'avez consacré.

    Ton texte est correct.

    À part l'erreur classique sur le déterminant "the", je n'ai relevé qu'une seule grosse faute sur l'adjectif possessif du possesseur féminin. Serais-tu étourdi ?

    Bonne continuation.


  18. Bonsoir,

    À l'avenir, sois donc plus prévoyante car je ne passe pas 24h/24 devant l'écran de mon ordinateur. :rolleyes:

    Il y a 2 heures, Leana6 a dit :

    Joanne rowling known as J.K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith was born on July 31, 1965, in England. She is an atypical novelist who has succeeded despite many difficulties. She overcame depression as well as financial hardship. JK Rowling started from scratch and managed to climb the social ladder. From childhood, she became passionate about reading and began to write. She is 6 years old when she invents her first story, Rabbit.

    She finds a real comfort in writing. She studied French literature and philology at the University of Exeter, then at the Sorbonne. In 1990, during a train trip J.K Rowling invented the character of Harry Potter, she was 25 years old.
    In 1992, she married a Portuguese journalist and gave birth to her daughter Jessica, but she divorced in 1995.
    Then she moved back to Edinburgh, Scotland, where she ran into financial difficulties. A young divorced mother, she goes went back to writing Harry Potter. <Tu es toujours dans ton récit !

    In 1996, his her first novel dedicated to the sorcerer's apprentice is <1996 c'est du passé> was finished ... except that no publisher wanted <idem to publish it. Harry Potter at the wizarding school will finally be released 1 year later.
     In 2001, Harry Potter is <idem encore> was adapted to the cinema. The seven films will also have a great success and will contribute massively to the success of the novel suite.

    JK Rowling is world-wide known and she has been awarded many times for her books.
    The Harry Potter saga has sold more than 450 million copies and is one of the best-selling sagas in the world. 
    J.K Rowling is also an activist and regularly donates a portion of her fortune to many charitable organizations fighting diseases and social inequality.

     Explication du choix

    We chose to talk about Jk Rowling because we all grew up with Harry Potter. We are big great fans of Harry Potter and we enjoyed discovering this magical world. When we went to England with Mrs. Vergnaud, we had the chance were lucky/fortunate to visit Harry Potter Studios. We went out marveled.

    J'espère me tromper en écrivant qu'il y a une différence de niveau de langue évidente entre les passages "empruntés" et ceux qui te sont propres.

    Si c'est le cas, ton professeur ne sera pas dupe.


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