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Jean B

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Messages posté(e)s par Jean B

  1. Bonsoir,

    1)      Cela fait des années que les gouvernements européens s’attaquent à la montée du chômage.

    It’s been years that since European Governments have (attacked) come to grips with the increase of unemployment. < attack n’est pas faux mais je préfère l’expression imagée

    2)      Il se peut que je parte demain. Annulez le rendez-vous, qu’il m’appelle à mon retour.

    It is possible that I will I may leave tomorrow. Cancel the meeting and say tell  him that he calls to call me when I will come back.   Aïe, aïe, aïe !!! L’éventualité se rend par le modal may/might – dire qqch à qqn = tell sb sthg – le futur après when ?

    3)      Il a travaillé dans un pays anglophone pendant longtemps mais n’a jamais réussi à parler anglais correctement.

    For a long time, he worked in an English speaking country, but he never managed to speak English correctly. 

    4)      Il faudra que nous embauchions un nouveau comptable dès que l’actuel partira à la retraite.

    We will have to take on a new accountant as soon as the present one will go into retirement retires. < Tu as oublié l’obligation rendue par le modal have to

    5)      Dommage que tu n’aies pu venir avec nous à la montagne. Tu te serais bien amusé.

    It is a shame (that) you didn’t couldn’t come with us to the mountain. You would have had fun.  <C’est un conditionnel passé

    6)      Je dois vous avouer que plus je travaille avec eux, moins je comprends leur façon de raisonner.

    I (have to) must confess (to you) that the more I work with them, the less I understand their way to think.

    7)      Si intelligente qu’elle soit, elle échouera si elle ne fournit pas davantage d’efforts à l’avenir. (Je n'y arrive pas)

         However clever she may be, she will fail if she doesn’t make greater effort in the future.


    9) Vous auriez dû nous alerter tout de suite quand vous avez vu que votre ordinateur avait été piraté.(Je n'y arrive pas)

    You should have warned us right away when you saw (that) your computer had been hacked into.

    10) C’est la première fois que cette entreprise décide de licencier autant d’ouvriers et de cadres.

    It’s the first time (that) this company decides to dismiss as many workers and executives.

    Conclusion : quelques révisions s’imposent.

  2. Bonjour,

    Voici résumées les réponses de mon correspondant américain que tu pourras comparer avec les miennes.

    Lorsqu'on lui demande d'analyser la correction de phrases en anglais américain, il déclare le faire moins du point de vue d'un grammairien que de la connaissance qu'il a acquise de ce que diront une majorité de locuteurs américains en telle ou telle autre circonstance.

    1. >> l'une et l'autre formulation sont usitées, y compris par lui donc !

    2. [is going to have] dans la langue de tous les jours.

    3. Les 2 formulations sont parfaitement acceptables.

    4. La formulation [am going to fix] est utilisée plus fréquemment.

    5. La formulation [is going to be] est plus probable même si les 2 sont acceptables.

    6. Les 2 formulations sont acceptables.

    7. La première formulation est plus probable même si les 2 sont acceptables.

    8. Le futur [will tell] est plus probable même si les 2 sont acceptables.

    9. Les 2 formulations sont acceptables mais la première [will come] est plus probable.

    10. [will be] est plus probable, même si les 2 formulations sont usitées.

    Tout ceci pour te dire qu'en matière de langue il y a certes la grammaire mais il y a aussi l'usage.

    Et, sauf erreur de ma part, l'usage que font les américains de la langue anglaise aussi bien écrite qu'orale ne correspond pas forcément à 100% à celui qu'en font les grammairiens anglais ou français.

    Si à présent tu t'emberlificotes les pinceaux ?, dis-toi que ce n'est pas grave, ça passera avec de la pratique. ??

  3. C'est avec d'autant plus de plaisir que j'ai tout mon temps ! ?

    Je reconnais que l'exercice n'est pas aussi facile qu'il paraît pour un non-native speaker.

    Je vais demander l'avis d'un native-speaker et te tiendrai au courant.

    NB Sauf nécessité, n'emploie pas le bouton Citer pour envoyer tes réponses.

    Après un clic dans la fenêtre Répondre à ce sujet, tapes-y ta réponse puis clique sur le bouton Envoyer la réponse.

  4. 1  OK, c'est une prédiction basée sur observation >> is probably going to rise

    2  Prédiction encore, elle va avoir son bébé >> is going to have

    3  L'appel du labo indique que ça a été planifié >> is going to arrive

    4 Bien raisonné >> will fix

    5 Prédiction d'après observation >> is going to be

    6 Prédiction basée sur le résultat d'un calcul >> will launch

    7 Il faut estimer que ça a été planifié >> is going to be

    8 C'est décidé au moment où c'est dit  >> will tell

    9 C'est décidé au moment où c'est dit >> I will come

    10 Prédiction basée sur observation >> It is going to be

  5. Hi Komuald, welcome on board! :)

    What are your feelings about “La Rentrée”? Write around 200 words EITHER about the concept in general OR about a specific moment – funny, tragic or embarrassing – when you went back to school.

    I have always been fascinated by the way « La Rentrée » could generate a great deal of anxiety and just as much enthusiasm, depending on how you relate to school.

    As far as I’m concerned, from first to ninth grade, the end of the summer vacation brought me both excitement and apprehension. Indeed, I have always loved studying and learning new things but school has long meant bullying to me as well. This twofold feeling was pretty hard to handle to be honest but it seems like my love for knowledge has eventually turned out to be the strongest.

    What has always struck me as well the first day back to school is how pupils judge and gauge each other throwing elusive and intrigued glances. The funny thing is that no matter how the fresh school year goes, we’re all essentially anxious to be communicated the schedule and obviously, to meet the teachers. Those two willings have always been the most important to students and it will probably remains the same for a long time to come.

    Finally, it seems to me that beside being a relief for lots of parents, in my opinion, <(redundancy) this annual back-to-school marks the beginning of a socialization process, essential for all kids, regarding their personal balance as well as their success.

    Your English is quite good, congratulations!

  6. Bonjour,

    An environmental lawyer specializes in areas of law that particularly concern the environment, including water and air quality, protecting natural resources, pollution of soil, air, or water and global warming. The environment becoming a global priority, it's why environmental lawyers appeared in 1970. Jurisdictions in the United States and  in the European Union and firms integre incorporate environmental politics policy into their decision. In the United States, federal Laws has have been adopted laws like Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Clean Water Act (CWA), Clean Air Act…… The last latest Framework Convention on Climate Change is the Paris Agreement (2015), which is conducive to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Each country establishes the maximum amount of emissions not to be exceeded.The counsel is more and more requested by their clients.  They advise clients on green standards and environmental legislation. The climate change, global warming  is a reality.  The work for environmental lawyers  increases, as a result of emergency climate.

    An environmental lawyer works  in clean technology, climate change, water law, as integrated in the Environment Code, Clean Water Act. the Becoming an Environmental Law Career lawyer is long, requires six years long studies.

    Environmental lawyers work for environmental advocacy organizations, non-profit organizations, like associations advocy environment or the government. Some governments promotes the environment advocacy.  They can work into private sector. They defend their clients in court. Environmental lawyers  verify that businesses respect environmental regulations. Their job  depends on law practise place.

    I work for a Non-Profit Organization, more specifically, for Greenpeace. So, I work for a private association.This association protects the climate and the environment. Greenpeace is a non governmental environmental association founded in 1971 by environmental activists.  It works with governments agencies. I defend Greenpeace for the concerns of the litigations. Greenpeace International is composed of a team of specialised lawyers. They  give  legal advices, in the event of litigation, helps build advocacy to strengthen environmental and human rights.

    Greenpeace lawyers share information or legal knowledge about cases on environmental law and freedom of expression. Indeed everybody have freedom of speech expression exist/is for everybody, including Greenpeace activists.

    The job generates stress. Polluter lobbies exert moral pressure. The lobbys groups  lobby the government, and lawyers and associations. The working atmosphere is not always pleasant. I work with unhappy people. The environment law, Soft law, This law is not legally binding, it’s why the environmental organisations are unhappy. Indeed, law firms focus on law and respect  law, The associations think that law is bad. However in my  law firm exists there is a Lawyer Well-Being Committee. They help us by giving us advice on how to manage our stress. The pressure is high client and your law firm. <Cela ne veut strictement rien dire. However the lawyer job offers high salaries. I argue defend cases in the courtroom.  The lawyer profession can be difficult but also rewarding. work's H Working hours can be very long. Greenpeace Lawyers are based in offices, but travelling is required to settle litigations. The Activists do commit acts that are considered criminal. Consequently, I spend a large amount of time in court.

    The law case I hope to defend takes took place in Mauritius (island), in  July 2020. <C'est déjà du passé, non ? One thousand tonnes of oil disappeared into the Indian Ocean.  The MV Wakashio, a japonaise <(*)> Japanese boat, ran aground, destroying a remarkable coral reef on Mauritius. <(*)> Ne disposes-tu donc pas du moindre dictionnaire ? It is the world's largest coral reef. It’s the worst environmental disaster in Mauritius.  The oil spill spread tons of oil for weeks. The grounded vessel caused an environmental disaster. Thousands of species, whales, dolphins, sharks, died. The consequences  are were a disaster for Mauritius’  environment but also economy and the locals inhabitants health. According to the latest sources, the captain  sailed too close to the island. the objectif His objective was to get an Internet connection and (to) be able to make phone calls. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development said the spill "risks bringing devastating consequences for the economy, food security, health and tourism industry." The Conference talks about The HNS Convention. It is an international convention it which was born in 1996 to compensate the problemes related to spillage of and noxious substances. The international Greenpeace sent a letter to the Japanese boat MV Wakashio and the State of Mauritius on August 2020. The legal department of the association was thus solicited.

    Avant de demander une aide extérieure, ne peux-tu pas te relire ou ne sais-tu pas ?

    Toutes les fois où tu seras amené à passer un concours ou un examen, personne ne le fera à ta place. Y as-tu pensé ?

  7. Bonjour Maël,

    Il y a 5 heures, maël - missme a dit :

    Bonjour JRB.

    Je dois faire ce travail. Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît me corriger ? Merci

    You've just come back from an amazing gap year experience. Share your story, tell about the evolution of your feelings throughout the journey, what it changed for you or what helped you realize for your future.

    I took a gap year before going to university because I didn't really know what to do with my life. So, I decided to go to Australia to improve my English and do some charity work. I spent one year working in a ranch because I love animals and nature. >> to spend/spent/spent Il te faut connaître parfaitement tous les verbes irréguliers, c'est un impératif incontournable en anglais.

    After arriving in the ranch, I discovered a new life and new landscapes. At the beginning, it was difficult for me to immerse myself in another culture.

    In the morning, I took care of dogs, chickens, ducks and pigs. I gave them food and water. Then, I gathered horses to shoes (1) them. In the afternoon, I built a pen for cows or a refuge for kangaroos. In the evening, I go by rode a quad bike. (1) Relis-toi toujours attentivement comme si c'était l'écrit de quelqu'un d'autre, donc sans aucune pitié. Mettre un -s à un infinitif, quelle honte !

    This year off was useful for me. It changed my life. It helped (2) me know who I am really. It gave (3) me a chance to grow up because I developed new skills and I became (4) more independent and more responsible. I met a lot of new people too. I learnt about what I want to do in the future. I'll be a nurse keeper for animals. (2, 3, 4) Tu es toujours dans ton récit >> prétérit

    Having gone on a gap year will boost my future career because it will look great on your my CV. Employers love it. <<Dans ton récit, l'année sabbatique sera antérieure à ton futur emploi.

    It was a very positive experience! It’s something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life.

    Thank you.

    Malgré certaines de mes remarques, j'ai pris du plaisir à te lire ; ton récit "coule" bien.


  8. Bonjour Maël,

    Je ne vais pas aussi bien que mes rhumatismes mais je te dis quand même ça va, couci-couça, cahin-caha...! ?

    I would like to take a gap year after high school and before going to university to reflect think about/consider what I want to do in the future.


    I have already decided to travel around the world to improve my English and to discover another cultures. <Manquerais-tu d'ambition ? ? I would like to do some charity work too.


    I think it could be a valuable asset  for to me. I will learn how to develop new skills and to become more independent.


    So I do think a year off could boost my future career. <Rien à voir avec le foot !

    Good job anyway! ?

  9. Bonsoir Léonie,

    Il y a 17 heures, Fiona766 a dit :


    J'ai une correction de ces réponses que j'ai formulées comme si j'étais une agent de voyage.

    Merci beaucoup,


    - Where in France are you based and how has your daily life changed since the pandemic?

    Our agency is based in Paris. 

    Fortunately the situation is improving in Paris (and in France in general) and we can step by step restart our business step by step. << Mieux vaut ne pas séparer le modal et le verbe.
    The most important tourist attractions are open too - they apply the new booking conditions, with a limited number of people.
    We have been able to adapt our products to safety regulations.


    All our services are in respect of  comply with sanitary measures:
    - the guide comes with visor, mask and tube of hand sanitizer
    - the guide respects and makes respect enforces the barrier gestures
    - our suppliers (hotels, transport companies, tastings spots) follow stringent biosecurity protocols.
    - if you book a shared tour, everything is operating at the moment as all our tours are operated in small groups. 

    Life is slowly back to normal. We are still working at home office and we ensure the follow-up of each issue. 

    Also our company has been taking additional measures to adapt our office with to safety conditions to return to when the time comes.  << Je ne comprends pas ce que tu as voulu dire là. Même si ce n'est pas évident, il faut t'efforcer de toujours penser en anglais, pas en français. Avec de la pratique, cela se fera sans que tu t'en aperçoives. ?


    Personally, I see regard this time period as an adaptation time one, you have to be flexible and know how to "take advantage" of this extraordinary situation.

    During the lockdown people have stopped in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The streets of Paris were empty, can you imagine that?

    Everything is changing, whether we like it or not.

    We could find time to spend  with our family, go out for a walk, call people you've never had enough time for. No one's in a hurry, no rush, no running.


    There was a time when we were able to travel up to 100km from home. Here in Paris we have fascinating places nearby that we can enjoy.

    For example during this time I visited Chartres - 90km from Paris. it is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city is dominated by the 12 th century gothic cathedral.

    This unique spot is just a one hour and a quarter/seventy-five minutes drive from Paris or you can also take a direct train.


    - What are the restrictions travelers need to be aware of when traveling to France?

    The mask is compulsory/obligatory in all common areas (transport, supermarkets, museums, shopping centres).
    In the streets it is recommended but not mandatory for the moment (city prefects are currently studying this issue).
    In restaurants 
    the number of seats is limited ; so to avoid waiting a long time or not being able to enter it is better to book/reserve the table in advance. << Pléonasme !

    For the most famous tourist sites (such as Louvre for example) it is mandatory to take buy your place ticket in advance and or book it by on the Internet.


    - Have you seen an increase in particular experiences and/or locations for travelers, such as a surge of demand for hikes or self-drive instead of public transportation?

    Honestly, we are still receiving requests for train tickets.  The transport company (SNCF) is committed to protect customers.
    Here are some of the measures that have been put in place/implemented:
    To enforce the wearing of masks by staff and customers.
    Guests not wearing masks are not allowed on board.
    At the station and in all our sales areas, hydroalcoholic gel is available for use in the following areas
    Cleaning is reinforced and contact surfaces are disinfected with a virucidal product several times a day.


    - What's your favorite destination in France and why?

    I've travelled a lot in France, it's really my passion to discover these different places.
    There are places for every taste: big cities, medieval villages, the sea, mountains, vineyards, extraordinary food.
    For many years I had dreamed of seeing the lavender fields and eventually/finally I went there.

    In the heart of the Drome provençale you have a Chateau of Grignan (built on a rocky headland overlooking the village).

    Right in front of that castle there are lavender fields. This mix of medieval architecture and nature (plus the colour of the lavender) makes this visit unforgettable.


    - For anyone traveling to France within the next few weeks and months, do you have any recommendations on where to go and what to see, taking the current situation into consideration?

    International news suggests that in the coming weeks / months tourism in France will be mostly European. Restrictions with far away destinations are still in place.

     In view of the current situation I see that the length of stay for this period is shorter than usual. 

    People prefer to travel but not to leave their country for long periods of time. 

     It will be necessary to privilege the "atypical" places, to avoid the armoured full/packed/loaded beaches and to find quieter places. But of course, this could be in combination with "must to be seen" sites. << Attention au sens de l'adjectif "blindé". Que je sache, les plages ne sont pas recouvertes de plaques d'acier comme les chars d'assaut, du moins pas encore !

    The notion of slow tourism is becoming more and more popular: discovering enchanting landscapes while taking your time, getting fully immersed in the nature that surrounds us, favouring encounters and savouring the pleasures of the table.

    Sure, all depends on the clients' projects and desires - our team is always ready to listen and we adapt our products according to the clients' needs.  


    - With the uncertainty of the current situation it is very difficult to predict the future, but what do you recommend travelers planning for 2021 at the moment especially in regards to travel styles and itineraries?

    We are already working very actively for 2021. 

    Many clients who could not come this year are changing the dates for 2021. We are happy to see that people are still interested in traveling and we, on our side, are ensuring all the necessary security measures. Our job is to be proactive, adaptable and to try to understand everyone's needs.
    It will not be necessary to avoid big cities or the most famous sites because everyone sets up the rules of the visits respecting the health advice. The mask door, the limited number of tickets and the social <(*)> physical distancing are set up. Just be aware of the situation and take more care of the protection of be more careful to protect yourself and others.

    <(*)> La distanciation sociale reviendrait à faire de l'ostracisme !


  10. Si "apprendre par coeur" n'est pas ta tasse de thé, dis-toi que dans la grammaire de l'anglais il y a des notions de base qu'il te faut acquérir et maîtriser pour les réemployer de façon réflexe le moment venu.

    Quelle que soit la méthode que tu utilises, débrouille-toi pour acquérir ces automatismes, sinon tu auras toujours des problèmes.

    Un seul exemple : tu as appris en Sixième le -s (ou -es) final à la 3ème personne singulier du présent simple ;  j'imagine que tu l'emploies aujourd'hui sans réfléchir, non ?

  11. Si tu te contentes d'écrire "je ne comprends pas le génitif sur ce forum" sans faire tous les efforts possibles pour comprendre, c'est sûr que tu n'iras pas loin en anglais ! :rolleyes:

    Si tu ne réussis pas à comprendre les règles de base qui sont pourtant expliquées clairement, alors c'est que tu as un réel souci de compréhension.

    Relis le lien que je te remets à la ligne en dessous et apprends-le par coeur ! Tout ce qu'il faut savoir et maîtriser sur le cas possessif/génitif y est.

  12. Bonjour Céline, bienvenue sur e-bahut. :)

    À mon âge je ne vais pas te mentir, j'ai perdu "l'oreille" de l'anglais et de l'américain depuis longtemps faute de ne plus l'entendre régulièrement. ?

    Cependant j'ai écouté attentivement la bande sonore de la vidéo et en conclus que tu en as largement retiré l'essentiel.

    Compte tenu de ce que j'ai écrit dans la première phrase, je te mettrais une note de 17/20. ?

    Remarque : dans ta transcription, tu as utilisé le nom anglais "cultivations" en lieu et place du nom français "cultures" et c'est à la limite d'un barbarisme.

    À l'avenir, puisque tu disposes d'un ordinateur, fais en sorte de dactylographier tes demandes, c'est quand même plus facile à lire même si je dois admettre que ton écriture est nettement lisible. Merci pour mes vieux yeux ! ?


  13. Bonjour,

    Désolé moi aussi, faute de temps, je te conseille de t'inscrire sur le site avec un pseudo, une adresse mail et un mot de passe.

    Ce site est une véritable mine où tout est entièrement gratuit, alors profites-en !

    Voici un exemple de ce que tu peux y trouver :

    Un autre site sérieux :

    Cependant, s'il y a quoi que ce soit qui te bloque ou/et que tu ne comprends pas, envoie-moi un S.O.S. et je te répondrai dès que possible.

  14. Bonsoir,

    Effectivement, je pense que tu es censé être au niveau B1 à l'entrée en Seconde générale pour ensuite atteindre le niveau B2 en fin de Terminale au Bac.

    Pour savoir à quoi correspondent les niveaux de langue A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, clique sur le lien ci-dessous :

    Pour te situer personnellement, tu cliques sur le drapeau britannique, puis sur le niveau que tu souhaites tester, par exemple le B1 et tu fais le test en cliquant sur cet autre lien ci-dessous :

    J'apprécierais d'apprendre ce que tu en penses et où tu te situes.

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