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Bonjour Monsieur, C'est Stan. Je vous envoie un travail demandé par ma professeur d'anglais.

Pour la première partie du travail pour le faire j'ai choisi deux documents sur lesquels nous avons travaillés en classe . Faire le choix de 2 documents sur la notion de "Myths and heroes". Créer 3 problématiques, écrire une introduction avec 1 problématique, posez toutes les questions qui nous viennent à l'esprit.

Ces deux documents sont :

- un extrait : " Long Walk to Freedom" - Nelson Mandela

- un article de journal : " 4666" Nelson Mandela

Et pour la deuxième parties du travail à faire nous devions travailler sur un extrait d'une pièce avec son adaptation .

Sur l'entête c'est écrit " IMAGINING OFFSTAGE EVENTS" cette fiche contient l'adaptation de Mary Cowden Clarke ainsi que l'originale de Shakespeare.

Le scanner de ma voisine ne fonctionne pas, je ne peux vous les joindre. Sachez que j'ai travaillé dessus pendant trois jours. Je vous remercie d'avance de votre correction des fautes d'anglais. voilà mon travail:

First-Introduction :

In this file we talked about Myths and Heroes

An Hero is an Person who is distinguished by his bravery, his exceptional merits, etc..

In my opinion, a hero is someone who puts his life in danger for the other as firefighters, for example.

But also as a major literary, dramatic, or cinematic as heroines Racine character.

But it can also be a man who is fighting for his country like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is born in 18 July 1918 and died in the 5 December 2013.

He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician , and philantropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela become the first truly democratic president of the republic of South Africa in 1994 after the first multi-rocial elections in which everyone over the age of 18 was allowed to vote furfilling the most stogan of the ANC .

In this notion we spoke about this hero. I will be basing my arguments on documents which we studied in class, but also on my own personal document.

In fact, we worked on two documents .

First of all, we worked on an extract from » Long walk to Freedom ».

In this passage Nelson Mandela talks about this election results .

In the speech, he wants to remind everyone that the stuggle was against a system and not against a particular group.

Besides, the second document that we have studied is an article from Jon Snow of Nelson Mandela.

And finaly the third document is my personal personal as I said before.

This document is a song written by The South Africain group and diriged by Johny Clegg which is « Asimbonang » . They wrote this song during Mandela's emprisonment.

So my question is,does Nelson Mandela present himself as a hero ?

Second Introduction :

In this file we talked about Myths and Heroes

An Hero is an Person who is distinguished by his bravery, his exceptional merits, etc..

In my opinion, a hero is someone who puts his life in danger for the other as firefighters, for example.

Besides an hero is a celebrity , a role model, he will become achieve legendaire status,risk one's life, champion a cause, convey a message and finally powerful.

But also as a major literary, dramatic, or cinematic as heroines Racine character.

Moreover ,it can also be a man who is fighting for his country like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is born in 18 July 1918 and died in the 5 December 2013.

He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician , and philantropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela become the first truly democratic president of the republic of South Africa in 1994 after the first multi-rocial elections in which everyone over the age of 18 was allowed to vote furfilling the most stogan of the ANC .

In this notion we spoke about this hero.

I will be basing my arguments on documents which we studied in class, but also on my own personal document.

In fact, we worked on two documents .

First of all, we worked on an extract from « Long walk to Freedom. «

In this passage Nelson Mandela talks about this election results .

In the speak, he wants to remind everyone that the stuggle was against a system and not against a particular group.

Besides, the second document that we have studied is an article from Jon Snow of Nelson Mandela.

And finaly the third document is my personal personal as I said before.

This document is a song written by The South Africain group and diriged by Johny Clegg which is « Asimbonang » . They wrote this song during Mandela's emprisonment.

So my question is Nelson Mandela appears as a hero or an anti hero ?

Ps : Il me manque une intoduction avec une problématique,aurais-tu une idée ?

Travail en LELE ( littérature en anglais) :

There are a large number of well known characters in English literature who seem to have taken on a life on their own.We find them in different guises in other pieces of literature.

Characters , and the stories that thet appear in, can aslo be put into a modern or contemporary setting. This is especially true in theatre (Hamlet at the Comédie Française ) and in film adapations ( Romeo + Juliet).

However here, we've got two extracts . One of them the adaption which is « The thane's Daughter « written by Mary Cowden Clarke and the orginal is « The Tragedy of Macbeth « written by Shakespeare.

The document could be a very good choice to accompagn the extract of the drama.

In fact, the characters and the stories that they appear be put into a modern or contemporary setting.

As we can seen, the adaptation written by Mary Cowde Clarke is published in 1880, whereas « The Tragredy of Macbeth » written by Sakespeare,is published in 1623 .

Besides,there are some similarities.

Indeed, in both extracts, the main character is a character feminun.

In the first she is a child and a woman in the second .As we can seen, near the first extract, there is a portrait of a young girl by Charles West Copé and in the second,we can seen Dame Ellen Tery as Lady Macbeth.

Moroever, we find the lexical fields of war in the two extracts .

As we can seen on the first extract on line :

- (l30) the amoury ; (l31) ready for use in case of need; (l34) pike,dagger,lane,sword ; (l35) cross-bow, morion,cuirass,corslet ; ( l36) habergeon ; (l37) coat-of-mail.

And in the second extract on line :

-(l6) blood ; (9) Shake all my purpose, nor keep peace between ; (l1) murdering ; (l15) knife, the wound ; (l16) dark ; (l17) cry.

With / Subtle all these similarities we can may conclude that this document is an very good choice.

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  • E-Bahut

Bonjour, Stan.

First-Introduction :

In this file we talked about Myths and Heroes

An hero is an person who is distinguished distinguishes himself by his bravery, his exceptional merits, etc... - Revois les règles d'emploi de l'article indéfini et guéris-toi de la mauvaise habitude de mettre une majuscule à un nom commun en milieu de phrase.

- se distinguer, au sens de se signaler/réussir = to distinguish oneself

In my opinion, a hero is someone who puts his life in danger for the others, such as firefighters for example.

But also as a major literary, dramatic, or cinematic as heroines Racine character.<C'est incompréhensible. Qu'as-tu voulu dire ?

But it can also be a man who is fighting for his country like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is was born in 18 July 1918 and died in on the 5 December 2013. - Je suis/Tu es/Il/Elle est né(e) = I was/You were/He/She was born. C'est toujours au passé, forcément.

- on devant une date précise, jamais in.

He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philantropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive and the first one who was elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela became <Révise les verbes irréguliers the first truly democratic president of the republic of South Africa in 1994 after the first multi-rocial elections in which everyone over the age of 18 was allowed to vote fulfilling the most stogan <??? of the ANC .

In this notion we spoke about this hero. I will be basing my arguments on documents which we studied in class, but also on my own personal document.

In fact, we worked on two documents .

First of all, we worked on an extract from » Long walk to Freedom ».

In this passage Nelson Mandela talks about this election results .

In the speech, he wants to remind everyone that the struggle was against a system and not against a particular group.

Besides, the second document that we have studied is an article from Jon Snow of about Nelson Mandela.

And finally the third document is my personal one personal as I said before.

This document is a song written by The South African group and diriged led by Johny Clegg which is « Asimbonang » . They wrote this song during Mandela's emprisonment.

So my question is,does Nelson Mandela present himself as a hero ?

Second Introduction :

In this file we talked about Myths and Heroes

An excl.pngHeroexcl.png is an Person excl.png who is distinguished excl.png by his bravery, his exceptional merits, etc...

In my opinion, a hero is someone who puts his life in danger for the otherx x excl.png as firefighters, for example. Bis repetita, voir plus haut.

Besides an excl.png hero is a celebrity, a role model, he will become achieve a legendary status, risk one's his life, champion a cause, convey a message and finally become / be powerful. <L'adjectif possessif one's ne s'emploie qu'à la forme impersonnelle.

But also as a major literary, dramatic, or cinematic as heroines Racine character. Bis repetita, voir plus haut.

Moreover, it can also be a man who is fighting for his country like Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is excl.png born in excl.png 18 July 1918 and died in excl.png the 5th of December 2013.

He was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philantropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was South Africa's first black chief executive, and the first one who was elected in a fully representative democratic election.

Mandela become excl.png the first truly democratic president of the republic of South Africa in 1994 after the first multi-rocial elections in which everyone over the age of 18 was allowed to vote fufilling the most stogan excl.png of the ANC . <Je ne comprends pas la raison qui a bien pu te pousser à faire tous ces bis. Serait-ce que tu as fait un double copié/collé sans t'en apercevoir ? unsure.png

In this notion we spoke about this hero.

I will be basing my arguments on documents which we studied in class, but also on my own personal document.

In fact, we worked on two documents .

First of all, we worked on an extract from « Long walk to Freedom. «

In this passage Nelson Mandela talks about this election results .

In the speak speech, he wants to remind everyone that the struggle was against a system and not against a particular group.

Besides, the second document that we have studied is an article from Jon Snow of excl.png Nelson Mandela.

And finally the third document is my personal one personal as I said before.

This document is a song written by The South Africain group and dirigedexcl.png by Johny Clegg which is « Asimbonang » . They wrote this song during Mandela's emprisonment.

So my question is: does Nelson Mandela appears as a hero or an anti hero ? do/does/did + V dans une question fermée. Ça ne te rappelle rien ?

Tout ce qui précède est encore une répétition, non ? unsure.png

Ps : Il me manque une introduction avec une problématique, aurais-tu une idée ?

Travail en LELE ( littérature en anglais) :

There are a large number of well known characters in English literature who seem to have taken on a life on their own.We find them in different guises in other pieces of literature.

Characters and the stories that they appear in can aslo be put into a modern or contemporary setting. This is especially true in theatre (Hamlet at the Comédie Française ) and in film adapations ( Romeo + Juliet).

However here, we've got two extracts . One of them the adaption of which is « The thane's Daughter « written by Mary Cowden Clarke and the original is « The Tragedy of Macbeth « written by Shakespeare.

The document could be a very good choice to accompagn go with the extract of the drama.

In fact, the characters and the stories that they appear in can be put into a modern or contemporary setting.

As we can seen, the adaptation written by Mary Cowde Clarke is was published in 1880, whereas « The Tragredy of Macbeth » written by Sakespeare, is excl.png published in 1623 . - Base verbale après un modal, toujours.

- Où avais-tu la tête quand tu as écrit ces dates ? unsure.png

Besides,there are some similarities.

Indeed, in both extracts, the main character is a female one. character feminun. female = de sexe féminin

In the first extract she is a child and a woman in the second one. .As we can seen,excl.png near the first extract, there is a portrait of a young girl by Charles West Copé and in the second one, we can seen excl.png Dame Ellen Tery as Lady Macbeth.

Moroever, we find the lexical fields of war in the two extracts .

As we can seen excl.png on the first extract on line :

- (l30) the amoury ; (l31) ready for use in case of need; (l34) pike, dagger, lane, sword ; (l35) cross-bow, morion, cuirass, corslet ; ( l36) habergeon ; (l37) coat-of-mail.

And in the second extract on line :

-(l6) blood ; (9) Shake all my purpose, nor keep peace between ; (l1) murdering ; (l15) knife, the wound ; (l16) dark ; (l17) cry.

With / Subtle all these similarities we can may <Celle-là, c'est la meilleure, si je puis dire ! sad.png conclude that this document is an excl.png very good choice.

Je suis curieux de lire tes explications.

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Bonjour Monsieur et Merci beaucoup.

Je vais retravailler mon devoir en corrigeant ses fautes grossières. Je suis surchargé en ce moment. Je vous tiendrai au courant de mon nouveau travail un peu plus tard. Bonne journée Stan.

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  • E-Bahut

Quand tu réponds, il est inutile de joindre ma réponse comme tu le fais en cliquant sur le bouton "Citer" en bas à droite.

Utilise plutôt le bouton "Répondre à ce sujet" situé en bas à gauche. Merci.

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Bonjour Monsieur, Je vous ai répondu dans un nouveau post. Les consignes sont très confuses. En fait mes camarades de classes et moi nous nous disions qu'il vaudrait mieux 3 introductions différentes et 3 problématiques.

La suite de mon travail est sur un nouveau sujet sur ce forum.

Je ne savais pas s'il fallait le mettre à la suite de celui-ci. bon appétit et merci encore pour vos corrections si précises et claires. Stan.

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  • E-Bahut

Tant que tu ne changes pas de sujet, tu ajoutes les nouveaux éléments dans le fil de ce sujet.

Par contre, s'il s'agit d'un sujet différent, alors bien sûr tu en crées un nouveau avec un autre titre.

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Bonjour Monsieur, C'est Stan. Voici donc la suite de mon sujet. Je vous avais envoyé un travail pas très clair avec répétition des introductions. La consigne n'était pas claire. En fait il faut 3 introductions et 3 problématiques. A un moment dans mon texte je mets des points, je ne me souviens plus du nom de la chanson de J Clegg. Je frappe chez ma voisine et n'ai pris que mon brouillon que je vs retape.

Voici mon travail à corriger. Je vous remercie d'avance ce travail est pour lundi et je ne cesse de travailler.

According to the dictionary definition a myth is a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Than a hero in mythology, a person of superhuman qualifies who is admired for his courage or extraordinary achievments.

In the modern world, a hero has last its ancient meaning, it now means someone who is courageous. They help insaving people of society from people, villains or natural disasters, like Superman of Batman. A hero can also be someone who is helpful, polite or helps people who need it.

To illustrate the notion of "myths and heroes", I'm going to speak about an hero whose name is Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was a South Africa anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philantropist who served as President of South africa from 1994 to 1999.

In this notion we speak about this here.

I will be basing my arguments on documents we studied in class, but also on my personal document.

First of all, we xalked on an extract from "Long walk to freedom".

In tn this passage Nelson Mandela talks about this this election results.

Besides, the second document that we have studied is an article from fan of Nelson Mandela.

And finally the third document is my personal one as I said before.

This document was written by the South Afican group and diriged/led by Johnny Clegg which is "a ...". They wrote this song during Mandela's emprisonment.

So my question is How can myths and heroes chang the direction of the cause of History?

As a child needs models to grow up, it is also important for women and men to admire this or that person as a model to structure themselves.

Voici deux autres problématiques:

-How does a society create myths and heroes?

-How can myths and heroes change our lives?

PS: Vous avez le bonjour de Fiona et Quentin.

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  • E-Bahut


According to the dictionary definition, a myth is a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.

Then a hero in mythology is a being / person of superhuman abilities / qualities who is admired for his courage or extraordinary achievments.

In the modern world, the word hero has lost its ancient meaning, it now means someone who is courageous. They Heroes help in saving good people of society from bad people, villains or natural disasters, like Superman of Batman. <Le pronom They ne renvoie à aucun nom pluriel précédemment employé. En conséquence, il faut employer un nom. A hero can also be someone who is helpful, polite or helps people who need it.

To illustrate the notion of "myths and heroes", I'm going to speak about an excl.png hero whose name is Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela was a South Africa anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philantropist who served as President of South africa from 1994 to 1999.

In this notion we speak about this here.

I will be basing my arguments on documents we studied in class, but also on my personal document.

First of all, we talked on about an extract from "Long walk to freedom".

In this passage Nelson Mandela talks about this his election results. Si tu emploies le démonstratif, sois attentif au singulier this / that vs le pluriel these / those

Besides, the second document that we have studied is an article from a fan of Nelson Mandela.

And finally the third document is my personal one as I said before.

This document was written by the South Afican group and diriged/<Déjà corrigé led by Johnny Clegg which is "a ...". They wrote this song during Mandela's emprisonment.

So my question is How can myths and heroes change the direction of the cause of History? <Peu clair

As a child needs models to grow up, it is also important for women and men to admire this or that person as a model to structure themselves.

Voici deux autres problématiques:

-How does a society create myths and heroes?

-How can myths and heroes change our lives?

Veille à ne pas reproduire les fautes déjà corrigées et annotées. Une correction digne du nom doit t'aider à progresser.

PS: Vous avez le bonjour de Fiona et Quentin.

Tu les remercieras pour moi et leur transmettras mon cordial souvenir. smile.png

PS J'ai supprimé le doublon.
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